Dust Runners Automotive Journal is an automotive publication based in Phoenix, Arizona, and Killeen, Texas. We’re always on the lookout for cool and interesting automotive news to bring our followers. What started as two friends constantly discussing cars over free time, has grown to become a rapidly expanding automotive publication filled with news, tutorials, reviews, and various adventures.
Bryce Cleveland
Bryce founded Dust Runners Automotive Journal in 2014 as a way to write about the cars he found interesting. When he’s not writing for Dust Runners, he’s making YouTube videos or serving in the US Army. He currently owns a 2003 Honda CRF450R, a 2006 Chevrolet Corvette, and a 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe. Follow him on Instagram for more @bryce.cleveland.
Kristoffer Smith
Kristoffer is a self-taught pirate ninja with an extensive technical background in engineering, automotive, and computer science. Along with technical work, he’s also an elite level Parkour and freerunning athlete who isn’t too bad with a camera.