Top 7 Best Catalytic Converter Cleaners

The catalytic converter basically cleans the exhaust from your engine by converting the exhaust gases into other gasses that are less dangerous for both people and the environment. It generates a lot of heat in the dirtiest area of your car, which over time may lead to buildup and even clogging in your catalytic converter, which will reduce the amount of converting it can do. That may lead to your failed smog test or the flashing check engine light.

Your best idea is to try using one of these catalytic converter cleaner additives, as you can’t use a brush to clean out the cat.

We’ve compiled a list to assist you in learning more about the best catalytic converter cleaners. Check out the top 7 best Catalytic Converter Cleaners today.

#1 DURA LUBE Severe Catalytic and Exhaust Treatment


The DURA LUBE Severe Catalytic and Exhaust Treatment is designed to cleanse your catalytic converter of oil toxins. It helps in cleaning your system by removing buildups and pollution that are causing your catalyst to lose effectiveness. This can cost you power and money and can also contaminate the air that exits the back.

It also helps to reduce phosphorus and zinc retention at the catalyst’s inlet, which can lead to early poisoning and failure of a catalytic converter. This should help clean OBD error code P0420, informing you that your catalytic converter isn’t running and cleaning as it should.

The longevity of this solution is what makes it one of the best catalytic converter cleaners. DURA LUBE cleaner has a shelf life of up to 5000 miles or three months. Also, it fits every type of engine without exception. You can use it for ethanol fuels as well as diesel and gasoline.

#2 Liqui Moly Catalytic System Clean

Brand: Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly is a well-known German brand that develops, tests, and manufactures its own products. This product must be sprayed into the intake tract behind the airflow sensor and, if equipped, a turbocharger using a particular spray bottle. This may be more than some are ready to take on, but it is also the reason why Liqui Moly might be effective when other, lighter-duty products fail won’t. 

Ingredients such as n-alkanes, naphthalene, cyclics, and c10-c14 hydrocarbons should react with built-up deposits inside the catalytic system and enable them to be removed in the exhaust.

#3 Cataclean

Brand: Cataclean

Your catalytic converter’s carbon buildup can be removed using Cataclean by Mr. Gasket. That kind of contamination can result from a badly functioning engine and won’t necessarily be removed even if the other issues with the engine are resolved. 

It can also improve drivability because carbon can clog your converter, making it difficult for the engine to breathe. Low airflow from clogging hurts power and ruins fuel economy. As your car, truck, or SUV ages, Cataclean says it can cut hydrocarbon emissions by up to 50%, making it less of a polluter. This cat cleaner also cleans your cylinder heads and fuel injectors, helping to eliminate power-starving and engine-harming buildups.   

#4 CRC Guaranteed to Pass Emissions Test Formula

Brand: CRC

It’s a bold statement, but the manufacturer guarantees that you will pass your emissions test or you’ll receive your money back. This is due to the fact that it will reduce carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, and nitrogen oxides emission. The powerful detergents in the mixture will clear the fuel system of carbon and varnish buildup, enabling it to function more efficiently and cleanly than before. The procedure is straightforward: add a bottle to a tank of gas, let it nearly run dry, and then top it off again to pass the test.

That guarantee, of course, only applies if the rest of your car is working properly and the engine is stock: it won’t replace that faulty fuel injector or disconnected oxygen sensor. Even though it’s easy to be dubious of promises like these, the device has received a lot of positive feedback from users whose vehicles were otherwise in good shape but failed emissions tests.|

You must use up the fuel and cleanser by emptying the 16-ounce bottle into the 16-gallon tank. Before testing, fill the tank once more.

#5 Solder-It Catalytic Converter Cleaner

Brand:  Solder-It

A faulty or inefficient catalytic converter might cause your exhaust to smell like rotten eggs. This is related to one of the device’s functions, which is to convert toxic hydrogen sulfide into sulfur dioxide. Low-sulfur fuels have made this less significant than in the past, but it still exists. 

This fuel additive can assist in “scrubbing” the inside of your catalytic converter, removing deposits that are preventing it from functioning properly. It can also assist in cleaning your oxygen sensors, ensuring that they are reading accurately, and extending the time between required tune-ups if used as suggested. For older engines, pouring this directly into the carburetor while running will allow it to operate even more swiftly than if diluted in a fuel tank.

#6 Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Treatment Concentrate


Your car’s engine could jam if you don’t use it for a while because of residue buildup. If your engines have not received maintenance for a long time and carbon and soot have accumulated, the deposit may also occur.

Gum and varnish deposits are treated using cutting-edge enzyme technology. As a result, the engines will function perfectly, and the pollutants will be reduced. The cleaner also prevents phase separation by distributing water in submicron-sized droplets.

#7 OXICAT Oxygen Sensor & Catalytic Converter Cleaner 


Use Cataclean to assist in removing the carbon, so you won’t need to replace your cat because your engine ran rich for a period. The OXICAT is specifically designed for cleaning catalytic converters and oxygen sensors, although other cleaners often have a higher cleaning efficiency generally.

You can maintain the cleanliness of your vehicle’s exhaust system by regularly using the OXICAT oxygen sensor and catalytic converter. By distributing these particles across the system, it helps in preventing the buildup of hazardous residues and gases.

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