How To Gap Sparkplugs Without The Tool

Spark plugs are essential components of the ignition system, and they directly affect the car’s performance. Even though most people think that spark plugs need to be replaced every time there’s a problem, the truth is that they can be adjusted to create the right amount of spark for the engine to operate optimally.

Although it’s recommended to use a gapping tool when adjusting the spark plug electrodes, this can be done without the tool as well. Here, we’ll share some tips and tricks on how to gap spark plugs without the tool, but before that, let’s cover why you should gap spark plugs in the first place.

Why Gap Spark Plugs?

Spark plugs wear just like any other engine components, and maintaining them is as important as changing your engine oil. Unfortunately, most people are unaware that spark plugs should be maintained, and in most cases, they’re just replaced with new ones. If you drive a V8, you can be spending a few hundred dollars every year on spark plugs alone, not knowing that they’re actually good, but only need to be adjusted and cleaned.

By maintaining the spark plugs and ignition system, you’ll allow your car to run smoother for a longer period of time, and you’ll end up saving money on new spark plugs you don’t actually need. Even if you need new spark plugs, you can buy a more affordable alternative that isn’t pre-gapped for a specific vehicle, and this is where this process will come in handy.

Whether a gap on a spark plug is too big or too small, it will affect the way your engine is running. Either a large or small gap will create interference with the air-to-fuel ratio, or won’t have enough space to create a spark which will lead to misfiring and other engine faults. 

Simple Tools Needed To Gap Spark Plugs

Although it would be best to use a tool made for gaping spark plugs, there are a few other tools and household items that will work as well. Some of the tools you may require include a flathead screwdriver, sandpaper, pliers, and of course, tools to remove spark plugs from the engine.

No matter which tools you use, you’ll have to be extremely careful not to break the spark plug. Also, keep in mind that gapping spark plugs without the proper tools is a temporary solution and that you’ll need to use the proper tools to create the proper gap for optimal engine performance.

Step-By-Step Guide To Gapping Spark Plugs

To gap the spark plugs, the first thing you’ll need to do is to remove them from the engine. This can be done with a torque wrench or socket wrench. Be gentle when loosening the spark plugs because you can easily damage them and need to replace them with new ones. 

Once you have all the spark plugs out of the engine, you’ll need to check the manufacturer’s manual for the recommended gap. You can cross-reference the width of some items you have at hand such as a flathead screwdriver, or some coins you have around, so you can gap the spark plug correctly. When gapping spark plugs, make sure to be as gentle as possible. Iridium and platinum spark plugs are especially fragile, so never apply too much pressure.

Measure the gap on each spark plug, and use pliers to gently increase or decrease the gap until you’ve made the gap as close to manufacturer recommendations as possible. 

After finding the right tool to gap the spark plug correctly, repeat the process on all spark plugs. After finishing the process, you’ll need to place the spark plugs back into place using the same torque wrench. 

What Happens If You Don’t Gap Spark Plugs Correctly?

Whether you don’t create a correct gap on spark plugs, or you avoid maintaining them, a few issues are inevitable. These include engine misfire, rough idling, poor engine performance, knocking sounds coming from the engine, engine stalling, and trouble starting the car. A small issue such as an incorrect gap in spark plugs can lead to many issues with the car, which is why it’s of the utmost importance to regularly check the gap on each spark plug.

Before installing the spark plugs back into the engine, double-check each spark plug for hairline cracks on the electrodes. Gaping spark plugs without the proper tool may cause damage if you’re not extremely careful, and installing a cracked spark plug in the engine can lead to serious consequences.

Is Gapping Spark Plugs Without The Tool Recommended?

Gapping spark plugs without the tool is possible, and it can be done correctly, however, it requires patience, and gentle handling. Unfortunately, spark plugs are prone to breaking, especially thin electrodes.

Spark plugs can be successfully gapped without the proper tool, but you should only try to do it yourself if you have the basic tools, and enough experience to do this comfortably. If you’re not sure where the spark plugs are located, or how to replace them, you should leave this to a professional. On the other hand, if you know your way around the engine and you’re comfortable with tinkering with delicate components, you can gap spark plugs yourself.


Spark plugs are essential components that not only allow the engine to start but allow the engine to run properly, giving it performance capabilities. Maintaining the ignition system and spark plugs will allow you to save money on replacement parts, and keep your car as reliable as possible.

Gapping spark plugs is one of the processes that’s included in ignition system maintenance, and even though it’s recommended to use specific tools for the job, it’s possible to do it with basic tools and household items if you’re creative enough. One thing to keep in mind is that spark plugs are delicate parts, and if you choose to gap them without proper tools, you must be as careful as possible to avoid breaking the electrode or making a hairline crack.

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