Wilson 1000 CB Antennae Review

Are you thinking about getting a new CB radio antennae? Sick of having poor radio performance? Well, we were too, so we picked up a Wilson 1000 for our Jeep. The Wilson 1000 is generally regarded as the best magnetic mount antennae on the market. Here’s what we think about it: Build Quality First things … Read more

With Drive px 2, Nvidia just made the futures brains of self driving cars

This week at the consumer electronic show (CES), Nvidia released details on a supper computer that finally gives auto manufactures the processing power to truly understand the the road. The Nvidia PX 2 is a game changing graphics card that has been designed specifically deal with the massive amounts of data and computing power for self … Read more

A Look Into the Discovery II: The Last Solid Built Land Rover

The Land Rover brand is know around the world for their accomplishments in the off road adventure vehicle market. In recent years the company has almost entirely abandon their Focus on off-road capabilities to move towards a luxury land boat kind of play. The Land Rover Discovery was the last of the great adventure capable vehicles with … Read more

How to Install a CB Radio

So, you want to mount a CB Radio into your car/truck. Great! CB’s are a fun hobby, and can be very useful when traveling on the highway or off-roading. So, lets get started on the install. Why do you need a CB radio? CB radios are used mostly by truckers, they let each other know … Read more

Insane 150mph Street Race Crash

Im sure you know the dangers of racing, anything could happen at any second. Street racing takes this up a notch because there are innocent bystanders that could be hurt or killed. This time, an 800hp Corvette lost control on the highway at 150mph, and smashed into the wall. The Corvette caught fire almost instantly. … Read more

Jeep Cuts Off Motorcycle Parade

During the Project 22/ Ride for Vets parade, a Jeep ended up getting blocked by the bikers. Eventually the Jeep driver got frustrated and decided to romp the curb. He nearly hit a few riders in the process. The police that were escorting the parade ended up pulling the Jeep over. Check it out.

Mustang Tire EXPLODES on a Dyno

Have you ever wondered what happens when a tire explodes on a dynamometer? Well, for one unlucky Mustang owner that happened. This Mustang was equipped with a 200 shot of nitrous, and for whatever reason they decided to run it through the gears on the Dyno. The end result? A tire explosion at 150 mph.

Ferrari Rolls Off Hillside in Canyons

What do most Ferrari owners do in their free time? Well, they go up and drive on some nice twisty canyon roads. However this Ferrari owner wasn’t so lucky. While coming around a turn, he lost control and ended up rolling down a hillside. The driver was okay, the Ferrari was totaled. Check it out.