Are Jeeps Actually Reliable?

So you are interested in buying a Jeep. Maybe you’ve never owned one and don’t know if a Jeep will be reliable enough for you? Well, the Jeep brand has changed a lot over the years, and are now owned by FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles).

In the past, they have been known for their excellent engines such as the 4.0L. Although their engines are still pretty good, they don’t compare to how legendary they once were.

Many people are wondering how the reliability has been since Fiat took over, and Fiat doesn’t have a good history with creating reliable vehicles.

In this short guide, we’re going to look at the Grand Cherokee, Cherokee, and Wrangler. Further down the article, we will discuss the reliability on older Jeeps including some of my own.

Most of you reading this article are interested in buying a new Jeep so we’ll cover those first.

WK2 Grand Cherokee Reliability

After poking around on forums and speaking to a couple of Grand Cherokee owners we realized how horribly unreliable they are. According to Consumer Reports, the Grand Cherokee has extremely poor reliability.

Even some Fiat/Chrysler technicians will openly admit almost all the cars that come in for work are Grand Cherokees. The most common problem for these new Grand Cherokees is the transmission basically going bad.

The most common problem for these new Grand Cherokees is the transmission basically going bad. Reports of rough shifting, jerking, hesitation and overall poor transmission performance are especially common on the 2015 models.

Unfortunately, the cost to repair this issue is around $7,500 which is insanely expensive. Fortunately, it seems as though Fiat/Chrysler found this issue and it appears to no longer be present in current Grand Cherokee models.

There are plenty of other known issues for the Grand Cherokee, it would take far too long to dive into all of them. If you’re in the market for a WK2 Grand Cherokee I would strongly recommend visiting some forums to find out about other issues before you spend your hard earned money.

Many Grand Cherokee owners are currently in “lemon” lawsuits to get their money back.

KL Cherokee Reliability

The standard Cherokee seems to be more reliable than its bigger brother. However, it seems to also have transmission issues and just like the Grand Cherokee, the repair bill is insanely large.

Supposedly most of the transmission issues are software related and have been somewhat fixed with software updates. Some users on forums and Reddit claim to have their KL Cherokee in the shop nearly every month.

Besides the reliability, the base engine in the Cherokee is pretty underpowered for what kind of vehicle it’s in. Most owners recommend getting some sort of extended warranty because more than likely, you’ll need it.

JK Wrangler Reliability

Interestingly enough reports on the JK Wrangler show it to be fairly average in terms of reliability. I’m sure some of this is because of much simpler a Wrangler is compared to a Grand Cherokee or Cherokee.

The transmission issue that has plagued other Jeep models doesn’t seem to a present issue on the JK Wrangler. The next generation JL Wrangler is rumored to have the 9-speed ZF transmission that has been so problematic for so many owners.

A lot of issues seem to arise when larger tires and an aftermarket lift are installed. Brakes wear out faster, as do suspension components and driveline components. Just like with the Cherokee, many owners strongly recommend purchasing an extended warranty if the option is available.

What’s interesting is how well the JK Wrangler holds its resale value. Even with “meh” reliability, the JK Wrangler is still in demand. If you end up buying a JK Wrangler and experience horrible reliability, you can also sell it for nearly as much as you paid for it.

Newer Jeep Reliability

The 3.6L and 3.8L Pentastar engine found in relatively new Jeeps are good little engines. But, from the information I’ve gathered on Forums, the 3.6L is leaps and bounds better in both reliability and performance.

Also in my experience as a lube technician, I have found that the 3.6L Pentastar engine is pretty darn reliable. That engine comes in a massive variety of automobiles and they almost always seem to be running in tip-top shape regardless of mileage.

The 3.8L Jeeps, on the other hand, aren’t always running tip-top in comparison.

JD Power Associates

The 2013 Wrangler has an overall dependability rating of 2/5, whilst the 2013 Grand Cherokee has a dependability rating of 3/5. Some reports vary on their rating, but for the most part, both of these vehicles are pretty far down the list of reliable vehicles.

The Wrangler is slightly below average, but is it as bad as something like a Land Rover? Well yes actually, it is nearly as unreliable as a Land Rover according to J.D. Power’s dependability study. Jeep, Dodge, Ram, and Chrysler are all in the top 10 least reliable vehicles in the US.

Honestly when I saw that 2/5 rating for the Wrangler I was fairly surprised. I have never heard anything bad about them personally. Maybe JK Wrangler owners won’t admit they bought an unreliable $40k Jeep?

Reliability rating source: USNEWS

So Are They Reliable?

The topic of reliability can become very complex very fast. Although modern Jeeps have reports of horrible initial reliable, some owners report excellent reliability over long periods of time.

Before you go off buying a Jeep I would strongly recommend asking Jeep owners if they would buy their Jeep again given the opportunity. For the most part, people don’t want to complain about their expensive new car.

No one wants to admit they made a poor financial decision. That’s why it’s important to ask people on forums and places like Reddit where people will be honest about their experience.

Are Jeeps Reliable?

According to this chart, the Jeep brand on average is 1 problem less per 100 cars than Land Rover. That’s surprisingly bad. Time will tell whether or not Fiat will increase or decrease the brand’s reliability.

But, I feel pretty confident when I say that Fiat won’t screw up the Jeep brand. So, if you were looking to buy a brand new Jeep, don’t. As a Jeep enthusiast and owner, it pains me to say this, but don’t buy a new Jeep unless you are willing to deal with the unreliability.

Older Jeep Reliability

When I say “older” jeeps I’m talking late 80s and 90s. I could dive into the reliability of Jeeps made before the 80s, but it’ll take up to much time. Plus, you should be mechanically inclined if you buy an old Jeep.

I’ve owned a couple of 90s Jeeps and worked on countless XJ Cherokees over the years.

Renix 4.0L

Jeeps in the 80s came with either a 2.5L 4-cylinder or a 4.0L Renix inline-6. The Renix 4.0L was a little iffy with its reliability. The main problem comes from the wiring harness and sensors.

The Renix is pretty hard to diagnose but is easy to repair if you know what the actual problem is. However, it was very reliable mechanically, but the poor electrical system ultimately held it back.

High Output 4.0L

What awesome engine did Jeep make it the 90s? The 4.0L H.O.! The updated version of the AMC 4.0L ditched the Renix components in favor of new components. This new rendition of the 4.0L was known as the High Output.

The High Output had a much tidier wiring harness and was much easier to diagnose than the previous Renix 4.0L. The AMC 4.0L was one of four engines that continued to be produced after Chrysler purchased AMC in 1987.

The Jeep 4.0L H.O. has been praised by countless automotive journalists for its insane reliability. It could have a rod knock and still get you all the way home. It could be running 90* under the proper operating temperature, with vacuum leaks, a bad fuel injector, and still get you home (ask me how I know).

Seriously, Jeeps equipped with the 4.0L H.O. will do 300,000 miles easy. My last one was at 215k miles, and I took it wheeling nearly every weekend, and it kept chugging along just fine!

My Personal Jeeps Reliability

Like I mentioned above, I take my current Jeep wheeling all the time, as well as drive it every single day. It has only left me stranded once, and that was from me going to hard off-road.

There have been times where I needed to drive it upwards of 200 miles in one day and it was perfectly up to the task. Pretty good for a vehicle that only cost $1,000.

I have owned a total of 13 vehicles, which includes a few motorcycles. Out of those 13 vehicles, most of them broke something major.

Ninja 250 engine exploded, SC400 engine exploded, Suburban transmission exploded, Land Rover engine exploded, you get my point. Why am I telling you this?

Because the two Jeeps I’ve ever owned are the only vehicles that have lasted over a year without exploding. My first vehicle was a 93 Cherokee, and my last vehicle was a 92 Cherokee.

Literally, everything else I ever owned had some sort of detrimental issue that forced me to get rid of it. Of course, my current vehicle is super reliable, but that’s because it has 25k miles and a warranty.

My $1,000 Jeeps seemed to take literally everything I could throw at them. From daily driving to road trips, to light pre-running, to trail riding. The current owner of my last Jeep takes it out wheeling almost every weekend and it’s been super reliable for him too.


Overall if you’re looking at buying a brand new Jeep, it might be better to look at alternatives such as the Toyota 4Runner. Some new Jeeps are extremely reliable and some are extremely unreliable.

I would especially stay away from the Cherokee and Grand Cherokee due to their transmission issues. The JK Wrangler doesn’t seem to be affected by those transmission issues, but it still has a “meh” reliability rating.

Drop a comment below letting me know how your experience with your Jeep has been!

35 thoughts on “Are Jeeps Actually Reliable?”

    • My 2007 has cost me over $10k in repairs since I got in 2011… there is CONSTANTLY something wrong with it. I love it, but I’m trading it in, because I can’t keep up with the repairs, even when I do a good portion of them myself to cut on costs.

  1. If you have a chance to respond, much appreciated.

    If you were in the market for an SUV today, what would you consider? My most important factors are long term reliability and cost of ownership.

    Although I love the look of most Jeep models (with the exception of the weird slant eyed model), I’m not keen on their less than stellar reliability in Consumer Reports.

    I’m looking for something very capable in heavy snow along with very occasional off roading (gravel/dirt roads). Likely nothing hardcore like you do.

    I’m thinking either Subaru Forester (4 cyl.), or Toyota 4Runner (V6) Although the Toyota is much more expensive.
    I’m not interested in CRV/Rav4/CX5 or similar.

    • Get the Toyota. It doesn’t use a CVT transmission and has a solid rear axle, and more aftermarket support than a Forester.

    • tj wranglers go forever. Mine has just under 400k. kilometres on the clock. On mostly bad dirt.
      Fabulous little vehicle.

  2. Bryce, we like the way you think, very helpful. So OK, no Jeep, no Range Rover, the 4Runner is ok I guess, but not really comfortable (squishy ride, crappy controls, not a fun car for the 95% day to day road driving we all do). What true 4 WD vehicle (not AWD) that isn’t either too small or a beast (Nissan Armada) with decent creature comforts do you like?

    I mean, yes, Subarus are OK but I drive between SF (work) and the north coast of Oregon (home), 12 hour long trips. So something that we can take fishing, tow a small boat in and out of the rivers, drive on the highway? I know we all have to compromise, but I’m stuck.

    Bryce, help. Thanks very much, Bruce..

    • get a tacoma mine is 20 years old and has over 400k miles and i drive it to school and for work and i tow with it regularly

  3. what an article. an author this honest, how does he still make a living? most automotive sponsors don’t like to finance honest assessment should it expose the horrors of their product. it’s something the consumers must celebrate. bryce cleveland. i’ll remember that name.

  4. really? i heard jeeps were really unreliable, i dont mind them but i cant say i would own one, more of a jdm fan.

  5. Great article! I love driving Jeeps, but I just cannot justify purchasing one newer than 2006. I need to get ride of my 2006 Grand Cherokee because the transmission needs rebuilt — it only has 140K miles on it. Meanwhile, our 99 Cherokee is running great at 230K miles on it.

    I sincerely hope Jeep starts putting out better vehicles. Would love to buy a newer one, but I’m just not willing to deal with these issues.

  6. I have a 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee. We thought it would be reliable, but one day the alternator decides to catch fire. Of course we had no time to record it, too busy putting it out. Chrysler clams there is no evidence of a fire. What BS! We are currently looking into a Toyota 4Runner now.

  7. Jeep brand in general are having tons of problems with the x.7 engines. If your engine in your Jeep (or Chrysler built vehicle) ends with .7, such as 2.7 or 3.7 or 5.7 they are highly likely to blow. We had a Jeep liberty with 2.7 engine, oil was changed on the dot when it was time. The engine blew with no warning. Turns out Dodge knew of this problem and ignored it. A class action law suit is now being sought out and if you had these problems ( or if you have these engines in your car) you can do a web search for class action law suit on Dodge built 2.7 engines and you can sign up. Will not post direct link here because I’m not sure about this websites rules on doing that.

  8. I am so happy I read this. In Canada a new Wrangler costs 50k+ with taxes. I’ve read horror stories of the roofs leaking, etc. People that love off-roading will love their Jeeps and will defend them. That’s okay for them but not for me. I’ve decided to pass on the Jeep—even though I rented one for a week and really enjoyed driving it. I don’t want to own one now!

  9. I have a 1989 4.0L that I bought new.It only has 40,000 miles.I live in northern WI and its difficult for me to get help along a forest road when the engine suddenly stops.Three area local auto repair places say they have fixed it and it then runs fine for a few miles and stops again.

  10. Jeeps are like Harleys, and Jeep owners are like Harley owners when it comes to reliability. I’ve owned 2 cherokees, and you’d think after my first I’d have learned…but I loved them. My first nicked and dimed me to death and after four years of fun and frustration I sold it. I year later I saw one for sale…I couldn’t resist. That one lasted only two years (and this one I never took to trails because I didn’t trust it after my first 6 months of ownership). Both these vehicles got a green light by my mechanic before I bought them, yet both ended up disappointing me. Interestingly, my first off road vehicle was an ’86 4Runner. I bought that baby in ’93 with 148k for $4500.00, sold it in ’96 for $5000.00 at with almost 190k. I lived in Colorado back then and tested in it on some of the toughest trails (occasional rock climbing only) in the state. I’ve also owned 2 Troopers. The 4Runner was the most reliable, trouble free, capable, suv I’ve ever owned and i only sold it because my family outgrew it. Now, 21 years later I’ve returned to Colorado and I keep looking at cheap Jeeps but can’t pull the trigger. I decided I want another 4Runner.

  11. I’ve had 4 jeeps.Here they are in order. A 2002 Liberty. A 2004 Grand Cherokee, a 2011 Grand Cherokee. I’m currently driving a 2002 Grand Cherokee. The best of the bunch was the 2004 Limited Grand Cherokee. I loved that car,but traded it in for a brand new 2011 Grand Cherokee. That 2011 was plagued with problems. Four years later I traded it in on a used 2014 Chevy Cruise. I drove that two years. It was kinda small for me and I grew bored of the Cruise. Sold it and got a cheap deal on a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee. It’s the oldest car I’ve ever owned but it’s been reliable and I’m loving it. I will stick with Jeeps, but I’m going to buy the next one carefully. I hope the 2002 goes on for a long time though.

  12. Wife’s daily is a 1994 Grande Cherokee with the 5.2 litre, so far not a problem with it other than a broken vacuum line, easy fix…for a $500 vehicle, I am impressed, so far.

  13. I have owned a JKU since 2014 and have had no issues except self induced ones. I blew my sound system after a electrical modification (Jeep still replaced for free) and bent a tie rod rock crawling. I spend an average of about 10 days a month off road and 25% of my 40K miles are on the dirt. An unreliable vehicle could very easily be a life or death situation for me so I would not drive a vehicle I considered unreliable.

  14. I’ve had two Grand Cherokees ( 2014 and 2016)
    No trouble with either . Both V6 3 litre.
    Super comfortable and best tow vehicles I’ve owned.
    Regularly tow a 2.8 tonne of Rd caravan.
    Love ‘em !

  15. I work at a Mopar dealership in my country and I see very little issues with the current Grand Cherokees. Many are driven hard, and only some have their small to medium issues, like the oil pressure sensor failing or the valvetrain loud ticking(we think that happens when too thin of an oil is used or skipping oil changes). This 2 issues mentioned before are for the pentastar engine, which are the one that sell the most and are the most common ones on the road.
    I dont think they are as horribly unreliable as it’s stated on this article. Maybe the Jeeps for the US are made cheaply compared to the ones made for export markets or people in the US dont take care of their cars as they should. I actually like the 2014- Grand Cherokee and considering buying a laredo or limited for me or my mother. If something goes wrong, i could fix it myself 😛

  16. I’m looking at getting a 2018 Grand Cherokee – Overland. Since the change over in 2014, it seems that most of the issues occurred during the 2014 and 2015 years. Now I’m hearing so far less and less issues with the 2017 and 2018. So, is it that Jeep has worked many of the kinks out? We have a 2015 Nissan Rouge with 30K on it and I would never buy another, transmission has already been replaced, transfer case rebuilt, and the paint on the front hood is bubbling…. Thoughts?

  17. Wow! I currently drive a re-badge Toyota Matrix, aka Pontic Vibe. So, I am used to a reliable vehicle. Before, I drove a 1993 Ford Ranger 4.0L–very reliable too. I live in the snow belt, so FWD was important to me. I see many large SUVs around me, and a lot of Jeeps (compass, Commander, Liberty). If I were to buy a Jeep, the wrangler fits the bill. I’ve driven one one in the 1980s it was [I think] a CJ something. The ride was like driving on a cobblestone road. Okay. I am interested in the 4WD, with larger wheels. I got stuck driving in an area where the snow was a tad too high for my wheels. The larger SUVs breezed past me. So, the JK, 4.0 L H.O., and 4WD. Thank you for writing this article.

  18. Bought a low mileage 1998 Grand Cherokee 5.9 Ltd in 2005. I still have it, daily driver, with 250,000 km on it now. No major or unreasonable issues, great machine. I am becoming VERY concerned as it seems it might be wise, due to its age to make a change. New Jeeps are questionable, and seem very expensive. Anything Toyota is outrageously expensive. Damn Chrysler for going in with Fiat!

  19. Hello, I was born and raised on Chevrolet, specifically the mighty S-10. Mine was fading fast and I found a willing trade for a 2000 Grand Cherokee. I did experience slipping between gear 1 and 2, and replaced the water pump but never any further problems. I drove it from 2008 to 2013. A silver 2006 Grand Cherokee replaced it, leather seats, sunroof, it’s loaded. No trouble out of it, did have to change a driver side bearing but that can happen to anything. Finally after two good years with my 06, I got married in 2015 and my wife wanted something better to drive so we purchased a 2013 Grand Cherokee. Changed brakes and a thermostat in the last 6 years. Both Grand Cherokees still going strong. ’06 got 187,000 and ’13 got 104,000. Reliability not an issue for us.


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